Ski tours Brambrüesch

Ski tours to the Dreibündenstein and Fulhorn

Ab der Bergstation Brambrüesch können Ski-Touren zum Dreibündenstein und zum Fulhorn unternommen werden. Vorsicht: Nach Pistenschluss Befahrung der Pisten From the Brambrüesch mountain station, ski tours can be undertaken to the Dreibündenstein and the Fulhorn. Caution: Avoid using the slopes after they have closed due to slope preparation with a cable winch!

Ski tour Dreibündenstein - Fulhorn

From the Brambrüesch mountain station, ski tours can be undertaken to the Dreibündenstein and the Fulhorn. The route first leads through the forest, through beautiful clearings and later to the right of the ski area up to the Dreibündenstein. A magnificent plateau opens up there. Those who want to continue to the Fulhorn cross the plateau (also possible as a flat descent without skins) and later climb via Fulbergegg to the summit of the Fulhorn.

It is possible to ski down to Feldis, Scheid, Pradaschier/Churwalden and, when snow conditions are good, even as far as Domat/Ems. Always pay attention to the prevailing snow and weather conditions and the avalanche situation (Avalanche bulletin, tel. 187) or online at

Evening tours: Watch out for the cable winch!

The ski slopes at Brambrüesch, particularly in the Dreibündenstein-Hühnerköpfe area, are prepared using a piste basher with a cable winch. Depending on the terrain and the position of the piste basher, the 1-kilometre-long steel cable is barely visible – especially in the dark. This does not necessarily pose a danger for ski tourers heading uphill, but it can be very dangerous for ski tourers heading downhill. Serious accidents have already happened in various snow sports areas. Please avoid the slopes after the slopes have closed, because then the piste basher drivers are on the move and are transforming the slopes into perfect condition so that many guests can enjoy the snow the following day. In the event of damage, Bergbahnen Chur-Dreibündenstein AG must decline all liability!

Night-time skiing: open until 10 pm for three days before and after full moon

Please use only the piste shown on the map for the ascent and descent (black piste from Malixer Alp). Outside of these times, all of our pistes are generally closed 
from 4.30 pm.

Adventure on the slopes